Friday, May 12, 2006


"PRINICESS SULING" little ugly CROWN! hahas. so old
n ugly lohs. ish jus a sotong lohs. LOLS! -.-

YEAHS! FINALLY! i finish my mid year paper le. so damn freaking happie. bt my chemistry like shit like tat. wah lau. hais. but ish the most happiest of my life. ((: went to hougang mall after sch to but ingredient to eat. hmm. have steamboat at me hse. hahas. so nice playing. after tat. reach hm le. hahas. ((: started marinate the chicken n all sort of thing.hmm.. after tat we started eating le. had so much fun playing n eating. but the butter keep on making me. making my face so oily. hais. the most fun i had ish wit suling lahs. the so called "PRINCESS SULING" but she ish NOT! ((: cos she ish a C-L-U-M-S-Y person. hahas. ((: hmm.. after tat. yong xiang they all came. hmm. play n play n play. play da di lohs. end up they won. but we have fun controlling the guys. ((: after that they went to eat. i went to prepare all my thing as i have to go KFC lata on. after tat. i quickly pack all my stuff n went there. TODAE WAS THE MOST HAPPIEST DAE OF MY LIFE. ((:

i wanna to be a strong girl.
but i have to pretend.
i can't be 1 anymore.
i m jus simply a lonely girl.
no more being cheerful. n tats ish FATE! :((


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